Top 10 Reasons to Wear Fragrances

Ten Reasons to Wear Fragrances

1 -  You are Sexier - The sense of smell is one of the five most important senses. Sometimes, you can simply be attracted to someone by their smell. Perfumes are rich in pheromones and make you Sexy.
You are Sexier - The Perfumes Hub
You are Sexier
2 -  They Boost Your Serotonin - is like a status type of a feeling hormone whatever that is zero to mean this when I look at my 1000 fragrances if I have them and I feel like a superstar it's gorgeous so that's also one of the reasons why some men are really into hunting and gathering more prizes and more pokers and more rewards.

because it boosts them their status so obviously if you're a collector of fragrances it boosts a bit of your status like yeah this I got fifty phrases to look at this my fragrance collection 500 fragrances in your face baby I got 500 fragrances so this is also an option it boosts your serotonin.

3 -  You Have Something to Talk About - I mean some people are excited about pokemon cards some people are excited about watches some people are excited about football teams with fragrances you have something to talk about look at this we have a community we have a great community so you have something to talk about the reasons to wear fragrance.
You Look Attractive 😎😎

4 -  You Communicate with Your Primal Self - in case you didn't know guys so we have three different ways of thinking it's a very primal thing with the limbic system there's the prefrontal cortex and there's another one,

I'm not a brain scientist but I know and what I know is the fragrances they communicate with your most primal instincts hunger sex this type of stuff the most primal level reptilian brain is getting ignited by the smell so obviously also by Fragrance, you smell the fragrance of your ex-girlfriend you get horny you get sad you get lonely.

5 -  You Checkmark your Self-Improvement - what does that mean well we all want to self improve ourselves, ladies and gentlemen, when I started researching fragrances I just wanted to know okay I know I know how to start my hair, I know now how to dance I know now what to do that.

But I don't know which fragrances are good for me so another checkmark for yourself sir or lady that is reading my article you will become better in your general self-improvement if you wear fragrances if you are more into fragrances.
Your Hygiene - The perfumes hub
Take Care of Your Hygiene

6 -  You Automatically Take Care of Your Hygiene - what does that mean you take care of your hygiene sir because you know if you stink the best fragrance on earth doesn't help you so much there will always be the little bit of an ugly this tasteful stink about you.

so you will automatically take care of your hygiene fresh tea not eat garlic not eat onions you have the fresh axles everything is fresh because you know you're afraid of foods if so you want to smell everywhere fantastic and the baseline the foundation like with a great house the foundation here smell good first be clean.

7 - You Don't get Alzheimer’s - what is that man Alzheimer's is when you forget things people have shown studies when you play an instrument you don't forget so fast if you train your nose with remembering fragrances guessing fragrances.

8 -  You are More Attractive - I just told you obviously 99% of all women on the planet 99% of all men on the planet hate people that stink in fact tell me one person and in case they are perverted.

please know that likes people that stink people love people that smell great so obviously, you are more attractive because you smell great but always don't forget guys shower first don't always spray we are bad hygiene okay another one.

9 - You Feel Better -  Man if I put on the Creed aventus if I put on my own fragrance if I put on and your almond tents I feel like a superstar.

Top Ten Reasons to Wear Fragrances
You Sleep Better 
I love it also if you just know this fragrance costs around 35000/- you spray it on me you know what smells sexy.

10 - You Sleep Better - obviously lavender eucalyptus menthol these ingredients help you to sleep better.

Kenzo Duo Hyper Wave

Top 10 Reasons to Wear Fragrances Top 10 Reasons to Wear Fragrances Reviewed by The Perfumes Hub on January 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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